Mediation Rooms
Mediation has been utilized effectively by the Florida Court System to resolve disputes for over 30 years.
Mediation is a way for people who are having a dispute to talk about their issues and concerns, and to make
decisions about their dispute with the help of an impartial person. A mediator is not allowed to decide who is
right or wrong, or to tell you how to resolve your dispute. In mediation, you can try to find solutions that
make sense to you and the other person in the dispute to help resolve the situation. While the goal is to try
to work something out, you may decide it would be better for you not to come to an agreement. Weighing the options
of settling or going to court is never an easy decision, but having that option is what mediation is all about.
The Supreme Court of Florida offers certification for mediators in the areas of county court, family,
circuit court, dependency and appellate cases. In most cases, the parties select a mediator of their choice.
However, certified mediators may be appointed by the court when the litigants are unable to select their own.
As of July 2019, there are 5,621 individuals certified as mediators.
Seminole Reporting now has four conference rooms for mediation and on-site staff to ensure that your proceeding
goes smoothly.